Isolation, Characterization and Effect of Potential Probiotics on Health and Growth of Nile Tilapia(Oreochromis niloticus).


With a high demand for protein from fish, intensive fish farming has become inevitable world wide and in Kenya. Fish are susceptible to diseases and poor growth. Aquatic fish diseases are a major concern with Aeromonas hydrophila  being  a major fish pathogen causing  septicaemia in fish. The current mitigation is use of antimicrobials that would later lead to antimicrobial resistance, retained residues,  market restriction, are expensive and  introduce a potential hazard to public health and the environment . The alternative to the use of antimicrobials is the use of probiotics. In aquaculture probiotics improve disease resistance, water quality and growth and are safe, cheap, with no market restrictions when used as alternate to antimicrobials.  Aquatic fish diseases are a major concern with Aeromonas hydrophila  being  a major fish pathogen causing  septicaemia in fish. Probiotics are most effective  when isolated from the environment in which they will be used. There is no report in Kenya on local probiotic studies, therefore this study will fill the gap.


NORAD (Through WorldFish

Principle Instigator
Chadag, Visnumurthy Mohan (WorldFish) ; PNyaga -PI Kenya