Postgraduate and University supervisors participate in Gender Analysis & Methodologies Training

Gender research and training is vital because sex, love, care, and reproduction are basic dimensions in life, and yet, the meaning of gender is contested.

Owing to that, lecturers from the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (CAVS) conducted gender analysis trainng to the postgraduate students and some of their supervisors.

Students conduct practical experiments in Toxicity studies

Students from the Department of Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology had the opportunity to conduct extensive practical experiments in Toxicity studies on Paragon Insecticidal spray formulation.

Toxicity studies in the animal models are done to determine the dose level recommended for the treatment of disease. Toxicity testing is paramount in the screening of newly developed drugs before it can be used on animals.

Veterinary Medicine Students Celebrate 2019 BVM Finalists Dinner

The fifth-year Veterinary students celebrated their 2019 dinner at the Department of Clinical Studies. Such special gatherings are present an invaluable opportunity for students to meet and network with their lecturers and alumni.